Friday 26 December 2014

Providing a safe & stimulating learning environment

Good Morning playschool are extremely sympathetic and eager about your kid’s development. Our program is a unique and personalized program and will provide your child an education which meets their individual needs and requirements to your child.

Play way school is a ensuring program by this any child receives a high standard and obtain their educational needs.

“To grow up as confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in the sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society”

 We assure you that our exceptionally skilled staff will transform every day in your kid’s life into an extraordinary day. Our tutors are coached to create a secure atmosphere in class and help your loved ones feel at ease with their presence in Good Morning playschool.

The basic human values that our staff teach the kids’ are

“Always be in Happiness that is because of resilience, Courage and comes from knowledge about truth and Wisdom that comes to the true seeker of knowledge!”

These values may sound a bit too heavy to assimilate considering that they are just small kids, but the potency of kids is unbelievable and we have the experience on how to inculcate the right virtues in their minds. Our tutors have gained outstanding skills that help them to communicate with kids through words as well as gestures. These skills allow our tutors to be assertive while being receptive and reactive at same time.


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